eisy, ini org pn ado ko . . .??

Posted in By i m r a n . . . 0 madness

"When u attck Black people, they call
itracism. When u attck Jewish people, they call it anti-semetism. When u
attck women, they call it sexism. When u attck homosexuality,they call
it intolerance. When u attck a Country, they call it treason.When u
attck a religious sect, they call it hate. But when they attack the
Prophet Mohammed, they call it freedom of speech?"

patut ko diorg buek mcm 2 kek kto sbg umat islam . . .??
jd, samo2 lah kto pkirkn . . . mano poie nye keadilan yg kononnye hangat diperkatokn oleh diorg nie . . ?? mmg sah, diorg nie sengajo mncarik psal ngan kto . . . jd, apo laie . . . marilah kto samo2 bjuang memboikot aktiviti2 diorg nih . . . supayo namo baginda nabi Muhammad SAW tidak tcemar drpado aktiviti yg tak semomeh nih . . .!!!
wsalm . . .

x semomeh=x senonoh